Makyo in My Mind
hallucinations of the unconscious eye
The half-forgotten
Other half of my short life
In short story form

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Sunday, July 09, 2006
Taped Shut

In a house. Slabs of putty chasing me. Shoot them with shotgun. They start dripping from my hand. I have a fungus infection on my finger. Can't close doors to keep the putty out; they can go under, and the doors don't latch anyway. Kitchen is small and scary. Nice day outside the window. Kids swingset and toy horse. Try to wash fungus off first with water and then with soap, but no good. Open all the appliances and drawers but find nothing useful. I'm told by a spectral future presence I need to wash a picture from the wall in the kitchen sink after all the windows get taped shut.

Thursday, June 15, 2006
Vanishes Again

I'm in a house with a female companion. Clear plastic hang on the walls. A little girl with horrible grimace sits in a wheelchair on the other side of the plastic. Scares the shit out of us. A closer look reveals it's just a doll, but still very scary.

We set up a camera on video mode on a live girl who we think will go crazy. I think we're trying to do a re-enactment of an earlier event. We talk to her and I aggravate her a little on purpose to see how the re-enactment goes. She gets out a knife and casually comes at me, but I take it. She gets out another sharp object and I try to keep it away from me. An older man comes in and keeps giving her sharp objects. All very casual and frightening. We run away before anything bad happens. I hold the camera ahead of me to get video of them chasing us out.

We come to another big dark house with open courtyard. An older man comes out of nowhere and tries to hit me, but misses and vanishes again.

Necks Would Snap

I'm in Jakarta with RR, who is at the wheel. I demand to drive, since it's nighttime and she hasn't driven in so long. I make a bootleg turn and drive to an estate in the country where my supposed family is. Sure enough, many people are there having a picnic. I've never seen any of them, but they're supposedly my family. They hold a lottery-style draft. Every time someone's name is called, that person is subdued. Ropes are tied to their necks and then attached to large rocks. We all go to a large wall of jagged boulders. On the other side is a deep ravine. The unlucky ones are forced to toss their rocks over the boulders to whip themselves over and into the ravine. Either the fall would kill them, or their necks would snap.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Brilliance, Ego, and Something Else

I'm watching friends go into a hotel. I see a big wave behind it and want to take a picture. Then I realize it's a real wave and turn to run, but there is already another wave closing in behind me. Cops are Everywhere. I go to a cop car and grab on. I say I wish I had my camera. The cop says I'm stupid. I say I'm joking. The wave hits us and we "sink", as the car doesn't float. My hand is trapped in the window, but I manage to retrieve it.

I run to a flimsy tree, climb up, and hang down on a flimsy branch that then extends onto a wall. Some kid says he can go up there too, but it won't matter. He does. We run along on top of the wall as the waves get higher.

We find a way into a building as waves crash into it. I see Kevin going downstairs and tell him about the flood. He can barely walk; he's hurt. He leaves the door open that leads outside from the staircase. I run to shut it before waves crash in and flood the stairs. He barely stays ahead of the flooding water in the building.

We climb higher to the roof, which is barely big enough for ten people. One person backs up suddenly and almost knocks me off the building. I throw myself to the floor to stop from falling over, then stand up and brace myself against a concrete block. Nothing much to grab onto. We're 100 stories up but waves hit us anyway.

A crazy man screams "This building and everyone in it belongs to me! They belong to me! Me!" He bloats a little then disappears, reappearing at the bottom of the sea. I catch a view from outside the skyscraper that shows the rest of the world is fine, while the building is cloaked in glommy black water. The water thrashes up and down it like an ocean of its own.

Suddenly, I appear at a bar with a girl and a guy. The crazy guy is behind the counter. To his disbelief, we defeat his dark magic with science and anti-magic. Everything goes back to normal. We are commended for our brilliance (the guy), our ego (me), and something else (the girl).