Gooping Humanoids
Back in grad school, except it's more like a top-secret government facility. I see Doug pass by as I enter an indoor tram.
A barren, mountainous landscape. A family climbs up a hill, only to have it erupt a cloud of black smoke and a haze of misty lava. They scramble for a nearby hill to escape it. The kids are last, barely making their way down. I see a little girl and a little boy trying to climb down, as I'm on the neighboring hill. I figure they'll die soon.
Travel to The Barrens with some skater-like kids who go there for fun. It's illegal, but they like to do their downhill sports there. I careen almost out of control down the mountainside in some wheeled contraption...could be a bicycle, or rollerblades, not sure. Turning at a fast velocity is the hardest, but I manage.
Visiting at a female friend's house. Some small kangaroo-like creatures form a community circle on her patio, as if they're talking. I wish I had my camera with me to take a picture for CJ. My friend informs me they're not kangaroos, but Karngas or something. Very cute creatures.
Think about going back to The Barrens alone, but then I see, through a TV monitor, a bunch of violent creatures fighting with some war machines, and decide it may not be a good idea. I go anyway, and enter one of the war machines, which is tubular and shoots green goop at enemies. I push the pilot aside and take control, strafing around and gooping humanoids creatures.
posted by Phlegm at 11/26/2003