Makyo in My Mind
hallucinations of the unconscious eye
The half-forgotten
Other half of my short life
In short story form

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Friday, July 23, 2004
Manta Army

AK and KL pull up in a moving van. I'm simply astounded, thinking this is such a crazy coincidence, running into them out in the middle of nowhere. That's where I am, somewhere in the Heartland. KL stays chill in the passenger seat while AK and I go into the restaurant we're at. It's actually an old train converted into an eatery.

I look outside and realize the train is moving across the countryside. It's breautiful: the rolling green pastures on the left...a bag lady next to a fence on the right...the men in Mantas firing at us! Dozens of neon green energy blasts hit the train, and many more miss, obliterating the bag lady. Glass flies everywhere and people panic. I duck under the windows and yell for everyone to get down, but nonetheless many passengers are blown away. I wonder when I'll be next.

Daring a look, I see a bridge ahead. I jump out of the train and into the water. Staying underwater as long as possible, I come out onto a golf course. Enemies are still everywhere.

I run into a building to hide. While I'm in a kitchen closet, I notice a good hiding spot under the stove, so I hide there instead. A girl finds me, but she's not part of the Manta Army.

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